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Oil, Gas & Water Analyses Tables

How Many Analyses are Available?:

Find an Analysis for a Specific Well:

  1. Use the standard petroleum well search or advanced well search to find the well(s) you're interested in.
    1. The advanced search can be used to find only wells with an oil analysis (view as KML), only wells with a gas analysis (view as KML), only wells with a water analysis (view as KML), or only wells with analyses for all three.
    2. It is also possible to restrict an analysis search to a range of geological formations using the analyses formation range drop-down boxes on the advanced search page
    3. These filters can be combined with many other criteria to create a powerful and focused search
  2. Once you find a well of interest click through to the wellcard
  3. From the well card view click on the Well Analyses tab to view any data that may be available. The data presented is digital in tabular form. Original documents can be viewed at the library.
  4. The results of this and any other query can be exported to a number of formats, including KML. This is a good way to visualize your data or save results list locally for future reference. Check the bar located near the top of each results page for export options.

Example of the Well Anaysis Tab:

Click on the analyses tab in a well card to view any well analyses

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